Most fungi have fruit-bodies that are clearly visible for a brief period usually in the autumn in temperate regions, or during the wet season in tropical regions, when spores are dispersed
Habitat: Eucalyptus dominated urban bushland
Location: Kensington, Western Australia

Form: mushroom with gills (harvested for export)
Habitat: conifer dominated temperate forest
Location: Yunnan Province, China

Form mushroom with gills
Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated urban bushland
Location: Kensington, Western Australia

Form: mushroom with gills
Habitat: Eucalyptus dominated woodland
Location: urban bushland, Perth, Western Australia

Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated mediterranean woodland
Location: urban bushland in Perth, Western Australia

Form: truffle-like (semi-hypogeous)
Habitat: Eucalyptus dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location:Western Australia

Form: truffle-like (hypogeous)
Habitat: Eucalyptus dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location:Western Australia

Form: Mushroom with gills
Habitat: Eucalyptus and Agonis woodland (probably mycorrhizal)
Location: Denmark, Western Australia

Form: Mushroom with gills
Habitat: Eucalyptus woodland
Location: William Bay, Western Australia

Form: mushroom with gills
Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: truffle (hypogeous)
Habitat: Eucalyptus dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: mushroom with gills
Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia.

Form: mushroom with gills
Habitat: Nothofagus dominated temperate rainforest
Location: Near Te Anau, New Zealand

Form: mushroom with gills
Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia.

Form: mushroom with gills
Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form truffle-like (partially hypogeous)
Habitat: Nothofagus dominated temperate rainforest
Location: Near Te Anau, New Zealand

Form: mushroom with gills
Source: fruiting after inoculaion in pasteurised soil
Habitat: Eucalyptus urophylla growing in a pot
Location:Western Australia

Forms: mushroom with gills and truffles
Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: mushroom with gills
Habitat: Eucalyptus dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: mushroom with pores
Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: mushroom with gills
Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: stalked puffball (gasteroid)
Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: puffball (gasteroid)
Habitat: erupting through bitumen paving under a eucalypt tree in car park
Location:The University of Western Australia

Form: truffle
Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: truffle (semi-hypogeous)
Habitat: Pinus radiata plantation
Location: Western Australia

Form: mushroom with gills
Habitat: Edible fungus collected in the wild and sold in a market
Location: Yunnan Province, China

Form: mushroom with gills
Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: mushroom with gills
Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: truffle (hypogeous)
Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: truffle (hypogeous)
Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: coral fungus
Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: coral fungus
Habitat: conifer dominated boreal forest
Location: Ontario, Canada

Form: coral fungus
Habitat: Eucalyptus marginata dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: gomphoid (with folds)
Habitat: mixed conifer and deciduous forest
Location: Quebec, Canada

Form: tooth fungus (mushroom-like)
Habitat: Eucalyptus dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location:Augusta, Western Australia

Form: tooth fungus (mushroom-like)
Habitat: Eucalyptus dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location:Western Australia

Form: truffle (hypogeous)
Habitat: Eucalyptus dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: truffle (hypogeous)
Habitat: Eucalyptus conferruminata and Taxandria sp. mallee woodland
Location: Bald Island, Western Australia

Form: chanterelle (mushroom-like)
Habitat: mixed Eucalyptus and Agonis forest
Location: Augusta, Western Australia

Form: chanterelle-like (no gills)
Habitat: mixed conifer and deciduous forest
Location: Quebec, Canada

Form: coral-like (form higly variable)
Habitat: opportunist in pots with Melaleuca sp.
Location: Kings Park, Western Australia

Form: crust fungus on wood (resupinate)
Habitat: Eucalyptus dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location:Western Australia

Form: coral fungus (suspected to be mycorrhizal)
Habitat: Eucalyptus dominated woodland
Location: William Bay, Western Australia

Form: truffle (hypogeous)
Scale: Bar = 1 cm
Habitat: Eucalyptus dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: semi-hypogeous, truffle-like cup fungus (suspected to be mycorrhizal)
Habitat: Eucalyptus dominated mediterranean sclerophyllous forest
Location: Western Australia

Form: hypogeous, French Black Truffle
Habitat: cultivated in plantation (1 kg)
Location: Manjimup, Western Australia

Form: sterile mycelia (arrows) and black ECM (S)
Habitat: Eucalyptus globulus plantation
Location: Western Australia

Form: Truffle-like (epigeous on sphagnum moss)
Habitat: coniferous forest
Location: Ontario, Canada
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